Schrödinger’s cat is a famous thought experiment in quantum mechanics, illustrating that an object can exist in multiple states simultaneously – a phenomenon known as quantum superposition. Sounds strange? Buckle up!
Experimental setup
Now, if the atom decays, the position is released, and the cat dies – poor thing. If not, the cat is alive. The twist? We have no way of knowing what happened until we open the box.
Is the cat dead?
While the box remains closed, the cats in a state of quantum uncertainty – both alive and death, or rather, in a superposition of both states. Only when an observer comes along and forces reality to choose, the superposition collapse into a single reality: either death or alive.
Weird? Absolutely. But quantum mechanics is not here to make sense – it is here to challenge our way of thinking.
As famous physicist Richard Feynman said: „I think I can safely day that nobody understands quantum mechanics. “
Do you hear the falling tree?
Let us apply this mind-bending idea to a different situation:
If a tree falls in a completely isolated forrest, with no one around to hear it, does it make a sound?
Sound is just vibrations in the air, it is just a perception. Without an ear to perceive them, those sound waves never become sound in the way we experience it. In other words, without an observer, the tree does not make a sound – only the potential for it does exist.
What is the case for this tree??
But let us push it further: Does the tree even fall if no one sees or hears it?
According to quantum mechanics the tree is in a superposition - both fallen and still standing. Absurd, right? Or maybe not that absurd…?
And, if the tree has never been observed, does it even exist??? Okay, enough now!
Quantum mechanics does not say reality does not exist if unobserved, it just suggests that future events can only be determined probabilistically.
Fortunately, everyone has a different opinion about these philosophical questions. They remind us that how illusional our reality is and the importance of spending a second thought on things.
The illusion of reality?
We find comfort in the belief, reality is solid, absolute, and independent of our perception. But can we rely on our comfortability? We do not know. Quantum mechanics suggests that observation plays a role in shaping reality itself.
The good news? It means possibilities are endless – until we observe otherwise.
Application: Expanding your mindset
What the takeaway is?
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