Let's explore the topics of physics and beyond - where curiosity crashes into understanding


Quantum Physics

Elementary particles 

Unravel the building blocks of the universe- explore the mysterious particles and forces that shape reality and govern everything.

Photoelectric effect

Learn about Einstein's explanation of the photoelectric effect and how photons, threshold frequency, and Planck's constant reshaped our understanding of light and energy.

Quantum Field Theory

Discover how Quantum Field Theory unites classical physics, relativity, and quantum mechanics. Explore quantum fields and virtual particles.

The Casimir Effect

Hawking radiation and the Casimir effect: Learn how virtual particles, black holes, and the vacuum’s hidden activity shape our understanding of the universe.

The potential well and quantum tunneling

Learn how potential wells, energy quantization, and quantum tunneling enable nuclear fusion in our sun despite the Coulomb barrier.

Wave-Particle duality

Explore the wave-particle duality, the dual nature of light and implications for quantum mechanics.

Astrophysics and Cosmology

Nuclear Fusion in the sun

Explore the timeline of the universe, from the Big Bang and cosmic inflation to the formation of stars, galaxies, and life. 

The Lifecycle of Stars

Uncover the inspiring lifecycle of stars, dicovering the dramatic faiths of stars of differnet seize, and learn how these clestial events shape the universe and create the elements essential for life.

The Evolution of the Universe

Dive into the heart of the sun- discover how nuclear fusion powers its brightness, and learn how this cosmic process sustains life on earth.

    Dark Matter and Dark Energy

Learn about dark matter and dark energy, their roles in galaxy formation, gravitational lensing, and the accelerating expansion of the universe.

Black Holes

Delve into the mysteries of black holes, from their event horizons to singularities. Discover how Einstein's relativity explains their immense gravity.

The Moon

Discover all about the moon, how the ISS stays in orbit, the moon's role in Earth's tides, and how tidal forces gradually lengthen our days.

Waves and Classical Physics

Light in our Atmosphere

Explore the physics of light refraction, Rayleigh scattering, and atmospheric effects that paint sunsets red, make skies blue, and create rainbows.

Explore all about electromagnetic waves, their origins, and applications. Learn about the Fraunhofer spectrum and how electromagnetic waves shape our universe.


Discover how sound waves travel through a medium and create compressions and rarefactions. Learn what exactly sound waves are and why we hear.

Electromagnetic Waves

How do Planes fly?

Discover the principles of static and dynamic buoyancy that explain how planes fly. learn about aerodynamic lift, pressure differences, and the laws of motion.

Newton's three laws of motion

Discover Isaac Newton's three laws of motion and gravity. Learn how his three laws of motion continue to shape science today and describe the effects of forces to an object.

Laws of thermodynamics

Explore the fundamental laws of thermodynamics, key concepts like entropy and energy conservation, and their implications for heat and the arrow of time.

Different Perspectives

Schrödinger's cat

Unravel the mysteries of reality: from dimensions and quantum mechanics to philosophical debates. Can we ever know the ultimate truth?


Delve into the historical, philosophical, and scientific perspectives on God. Examine arguments for and against God' existence and the role of science.

Reality: an illusion or the truth?

Explore the world of quantum mechanics, Schrödinger's cat, and how observation shapes reality. Can we ever be certain about anything before we observe it?

Philosophy and physics

Are we living in an illusion? Explore Plato's cave, Aristotle's empiricism and the mysteries of quantum mechanics to question the nature of reality.

Electricity and Magnetism

Conductors, Insulators, Superconductors

Discover the fundamentals of electric and magnetic fields, Coulomb's law. voltage, current, and circuits.

Electric and Magnetic Field

Discover electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields. Learn about field lines, Maxwell's equations and how these fields form.

Basics Electricity

Explore the differences between conductors, insulators, semiconductors, and superconductors. Learns about doping and the connection to quantum mechanics.

Capacitors & Thermionic Emission

Discover how capacitors store and release electrical energy, their structure, and capacitance. Learns about thermionic emissions (Edison effect).

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